My story
I've always had a thing about words. I met my first pen pal, Lizzie, on holiday in the Lake District. We were ten and we're still in touch now. I joined a pen pal club and wrote letters to other kids all over the world.
I kept a diary. During an uneventful few months, I wrote the same thing on every page: "Had a boring day. Played with Hammy." Eventually, Hammy died and I was forced to create new content.
So I set myself writing challenges – to make every tedious little thing I'd done sound amazing. Or mysterious. Or like the plot of a horror film.
I still love writing challenges – but now I call them ‘creative briefs’. Got a creative brief ready to share? Contact me today and let’s take it from there.
How it started…
"Who or what helped you write this?" – The hiring manager had my application letter and CV in front of him. Fresh out of uni, I'd been temping in his marketing team and he'd invited me to apply to cover someone's maternity leave.
ChatGPT didn't exist and I hadn't had help from anyone. I wasn't even that arsed about the role. I'd spent about five minutes typing the letter on the morning of the deadline and – in a moment of clarity – had removed ‘hobbies: reading and socialising’ from my crap CV.
It took me a while to realise this fella thought my cover letter and CV were decent. I remember thinking "Wow, if he thinks this is good, he should see my proper writing." I got the job and that's where I started writing for a living. The business: a global dairy genetics company. The product: bull sperm.
I spent a year writing about udders and bull semen. And that first role taught me you don't have to be an expert in something to write about it like you know your stuff.
I've written about loads of things since the bull sperm days – from oil & gas, fishing equipment and insurance, to domestic abuse, recruitment and photography – without being an expert in any of them. It's all about understanding what makes your audience tick and using language to draw them in like moths to a flame.
How it’s going...
I’ve been writing for a living for almost 20 years and freelancing for over a decade. As an employee, I annoyed every manager I had by turning my nose up at tasks that didn't involve words or writing. And now I write for happy clients across the land. They say things like:
“She is a pleasure to work with.”
“She’s an absolutely lovely person.”
“Very personable and a real pleasure to work with.”
“I almost don't want to recommend her so we can keep her all to ourselves.”
Visit my testimonials page to read more client feedback.
I have children now and love that I can choose freelance writing projects to fit around family commitments. The flexibility that comes with freelancing works both ways, so you benefit too: collaborate, add a fresh perspective, lighten the load and meet tight deadlines by working with me – a reliable sidekick you can trust with your words.
I don't have a niche – I can write about most things – so if you think I'll be a good fit for your business, I'd love to chat about your next project. Contact me and let's get started.